Monday, January 25, 2010

School Stuff:
Missing a day of class sucks! I'm totally confused when it comes to my Network Server Admin class. All because I missed one class last week. Starting to feel a little bit like crying. I really just want to reload Windows Server 2008 using the 64bit version on the virtualbox.
I can't remember what the rule of thumb for studying for classes is. Is it study 1 hour for every hour you're in class? Study 1.5 hours for every hour you're in class? Or study 2 hours for every hour that you're in class? Depending on which it is that would mean I need to study anywhere from 15 hours a week to 30 hours a week. Or 2.5 hours per class to 5 hours per class. 5 hours per class sounds quite overwhelming.

I need another part-time job. I called my work today, and was informed that it's pretty darn slow, and he's hoping/expecting it to pick up in the spring. That would mean I'd be going 5-6 months without any income! That doesn't really work for me at this point in time. I have too many bills and too little savings for that to work. So I'm back on job hunt mode. Oh joy.

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