Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ruby went to the veterinarian today. She has a 7-day prescription for an anti-inflammatory to help her back leg. Dr. Weeks thinks Ruby probably just strained it, over exerted herself during one of her zoomy sessions. She wants Ruby to take it easy for the next week or so. Haha, that's too funny, you want me to keep an energetic puppy off her feet/relaxed for a week! Good thing about going, we were able to get her another prescription of PPA for her leaking. I forgot to get her toe nails trimmed, though.

Eek! Today is basically the last regular class. On Monday we have a review for our final. I got a bunch of my school work done today, so that is good. Hopefully I will be able to finish everything on Monday. I'm glad I have my recorder, I recorded class today.

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