Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I felt well enough to go to school, but not well enough to drive. My vision wouldn't focus so I constantly felt kind of dizzy, like I might fall over. Well, I had my dad drive me, and before going to school we went to Bridges. I wanted to see what they had in way of X-Pens and nail tools. Bridges did have some X-Pens, but the tallest one they had was 36", I'm looking for a 48" tall one, and they didn't have the Dremel dog nail file tool/kit. At least I was able to get Ruby a new chew bone to replace her missing chew bone. My dad drove me to school today, and I was early to class! My dad's going to meet up with my mom and they'll probably get dinner. Somebody is going to be picking me up from school. It'll probably be my dad, since my mom is generally asleep by then. We're having a guest speaker in our Computer Information Security class.

I'm hungry, but nothing really sounds good.

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