Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pictures from Friday night's fashion show are starting to appear on the web. Vanessa also sent all of us a message on Facebook about our compensation for the fashion show. Apparently we get to choose $150 worth of stuff, and we have to go shopping when Jordan's around.

I finally went through the Pit Bull Lovers Gazette and found a few good ideas to work on with Ruby. I found a thing about punishment, and how you should never hit/scold/yell at/etc., but instead try alternatives. The alternative suggested was to use 100% undiluted white vinegar in a spray bottle, and spray the dog when doing something like chewing on furniture. It's not harmful, just tastes gross. I liked this thing, because I never hit Ruby (whether it be a pop on the nose with a newspaper, or swatting with an open hand) but other members of my family do. The other article is entitled "Put Those Feet on The Floor! How to Teach Your Dog To Stop Jumping in Two Easy Steps" and lists the steps and reasoning why it works. Step one; Teach your dog a rock solid down. Step two; Anytime your dog is about to leap at you take one giant step forward into their path. The final step; Combine steps one and two. So, now I need to start working with Ruby on her basic commands, like sit, down, and come (recall).

I also found a really cute thing on thePitBullPrincess.com, it's a sign that says "Sleep with me, Sleep with my Pit Bull" Product Description
Add a touch of whimsy to your bedroom with this sweet Pit Bull Expression. Anyone who has a Pit Bull knows how much they love to cuddle up and snuggle under the blankets with their owners. Hand-painted on solid pine. Measures 23 x 7 inches. Made to order - please allow 2 - 3 weeks for delivery.
Here's the link pit bull sign

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