Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It looks like Ruby is going to need surgery. Poor baby girl. Ruby's turning into an expensive little puppy. Hopefully, this will be the only expensive medical thing she'll ever need.

My brother is very thankful to me. I was rinsing off the icky towel and toy that Ruby got urpy and poopy on from Sunday, and afterwards was using the blue bags to pick up the poop, I got into a clean the yard kick and picked up about 10-13 bags of poop. Most of it was from my brother's dog. It's an icky task, but somebody has to do it, and at least the bag protects my hand from getting dirty.

I finally put a picture up for my Twitter account. I tried to put the same one up that I use for this account, but it didn't work very well. Twitter prefers the pictures to be more square than rectangular/tall.

I was chatting with my friend, Kari, earlier. I miss her, haven't seen her in such a long time.

I studied for about 40 minutes for my PC Tech II class, for this evening. I wish I had more time to study for the test for this evening. I pray that my powers of retention for my memory works awesome. Otherwise I don't think that I will do very well on this first test. But the rest of the tests should make up for it, I hope.

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