Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ruby's 1st Day of School

Well, today was Ruby and my first day of training school. I gave her an anti-anxiety/travel anxiety supplement about half an hour before heading down to class. It didn't appear to work at all, though. She refused to take the pill before we headed home. Poor baby got sick several times, and pooped in her crate on the way down. I wish I'd brought a couple of towels, or a roll of paper towels. She did alright in class. We probably would have done better if I'd been more prepared for her getting so sick. I now have baby wipes! She did fine with 'sit' but we're struggling on the 'down' command. I get her to sit, and then I do what everyone says to get her to lie down, but she pops back up from her sit, and just lowers her head or, at most, her front legs. I can't seem to get her to lower her bottom and her front at the same time.

I plan on practicing 'sit' and especially 'down' with her this week. I also really plan on working with her on getting acclimated to being in the vehicle. Step 1, get her to get in the vehicle on her own (with coaxing using treats)!

After we got home she got a much needed bath, poor thing. Her crate pad, giraffe, and long chew rope all went through the washing machine. My dad sprayed/rinsed out her crate, and I washed the rest of her crate.

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